E-RYT® 500
Becky started practicing yoga with a body that had seen too many years of gymnastics, and many a crash on a mountain bike. She fell in love with Yoga because it has a unique quality of working with the mind, body and spirit together. Savasana was a revelation! She'd never felt that good in her adult life and wanted more. She wanted to know the how and why of it. She keeps learning, studying, loving and growing. Her teaching these days can be a strong or gentle slow flow, or Yin, but will usually incorporate thoughtful noticing of what IS, and using that to cultivate skillful use of a person’s body for life. She’s passionate about teaching skillful mindful use, and about people feeling truly good in their bodies, hearts and minds.
“My hope is to help students of many levels and lifestyles find peace, creativity, ease of movement and acceptance of self.”