Come play with me!
Favorite Asana: Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend (Upavistha Konasana)
I have been practicing yoga since the late 70's, after taking my first class in New York City. I have been lucky enough to study with some of the top teachers in the U.S. including Baron Baptiste, Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Todd Norian, Jonny Kest, David Swenson and Darien Friesen. My formal certification was a 240-hour teacher training through Kanyakumari, which also included a 'minor' in Ayurvedic practices. The level of my yoga classes range from those designed for the beginner and physically challenged to classes and workshops for those who are very advanced in their practice. Through our practice together you will have an opportunity to experience a variety of styles ranging from Forrest Yoga and Vinyasa Flow to the more traditional Iyengar and Anusara styles, as well as gaining a basic understanding of the spiritual and philosophical principles of yoga and Ayurveda.
““The level of my yoga classes range from those designed for the beginner and physically challenged to classes and workshops for those who are very advanced in their practice.””